Monday, May 19, 2008


Joel Reemtsma
3909 Swiss Ave. #1392
Dallas, TX 75204

Dear Friends and Family,

Hello! You may be surprised to be hearing from me, either by the good ole’ USPS or by email. Lord willing, and if you so desire, you can hear much more from me in the future. Why? Because I like you! And I’d like to keep you informed of what’s going on in my life and ministry, so that you know how to pray for me, how you can be involved in what I’m doing, and how I might be able to encourage and pray for you!

Let me backtrack a bit and let you know what I’ve been up to for the last few years. If memory serves, (less and less these days) I’ve been battling my way through a Master of Theology program at Dallas Theological Seminary since 2004. It’s been a difficult pleasure… and a privilege for which I am eternally grateful to our Sovereign.

Anyhow, I am pleased to announce that I will graduate this spring with a Th.M. in Old Testament Studies. And to those who thought I would be a perpetual student, unable to face life in the real world… ‘Hah!’ (Although the laugh might be too soon, since I am still considering a Ph.D. as my next step.)

Although I am still waiting for the Lord to illuminate the next few years of my future, I do have a plan for this coming summer. After much prayer and deliberation, I’ve decided to go to Ethiopia on a short term missions trip through SIM International and with a DTS professor of mine. The dates are tentative (my dates are always tentative) but I will most likely be there from mid-May to late July 2008. Primarily, I will be co-teaching college classes in Addis Ababa and preaching locally, in English and through a translator. I am quite excited about this opportunity to serve, not to mention the opportunity to say ‘Addis Ababa’ every chance I get… So hilarious.

So here’s what I ask of you, dear friends and family- if you are indeed one of those amiable souls who would like to read about my ministry opportunities and misadventures and/or you know anyone who is, please let me know. To do this, send an email from the address you prefer to receive my updates to with “KEEP ME POSTED” as the subject line exactly as it appears here. (Otherwise, your message might not make it through my email filter). You don’t need to put anything in the text of the email, although I would love to read them, if you want to include the latest news. If you don’t have an email address, send me a note via passenger pigeon -unless you still use a chisel and stone tablet, which is needlessly taxing on the poor birds- with your mailing address and I will get you a copy the old-fashioned way.

Of course, your reply does not obligate you in any way, though I do hope that you will keep me in your prayers. I will make you aware of opportunities to help me financially, as I will be depending on the Lord to provide resources for my current venture, but mostly, I ask that you just read my emails… As I write, I like to imagine you laughing while you read!

If I don’t hear from you, I will (sadly) presume that you don’t want to bother with my rambling- quite understandable. Otherwise, please do write me back, except for those of you who have already indicated your desire in writing. (meaning Calvary Baptist folks) I don’t want to assume anything, and I may have out-of-date addresses for some of you too.

Thank you so much for your time, for your prayers, for past support and encouragement. May the Lord be with you, as you are with Him.

In Christ,

Joel Reemtsma

Coming Up Next: I describe what I am planning to do in Ethiopia, a little background on SIM, my missions agency, and what you can do to help! AND… Bonus Feature: Episodes in the Life of a Seminary Student

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